For many people heading to university is the biggest step yet on the road to adulthood and independent living. Being away from home for the first time and having to do a lot more for yourself is a bit of a shock for many first time students, so it is good to get well prepared for it beforehand. Here are some things that you should do before heading off to university…
Get your finances sorted – For many students, it can be tough financially, so plan ahead to make sure you are well prepared. Set up a student bank account, get a student loan sorted and work out what your incomings and outgoings will be. Many students, particularly in the first year, find that getting a job is a great way to make their financial situation more comfortable.
Accommodation is another important thing that you need to get sorted before going to university and there are lots of different accommodation choices out there so have a good look at them – from halls of residence to self contained places like this student accommodation Cheltenham see what is right for you and do it sooner rather than later as you will have more choice.
Learning to do some basic tasks is also a great idea before going to university – cooking easy, healthy and inexpensive meals for yourself is something that you should do, as well as basic tasks around the home like changing a lightbulb are all good things to get into the habit of doing before you go.