What children’s toys are trending now, are educational and fun at the same time

What children’s toys are trending now, are educational and fun at the same time

If you have a child’s birthday on the horizon or are thinking about Christmas presents for your young children, then don’t just go on a whim, think about the price, the educational value, and the fun they will have playing with the toy you chose. Without knowing that they are learning while they are playing, your child can tap into their creativity at the same time as finding out about lots of interesting facts.  Building bricks and Lego alongside colouring books and crayons are a reasonably priced gift that can keep a youngster occupied for ages.

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Interactive toys that move, sing, or light up are great for youngsters and you will find your child will occupy themselves for ages while they play independently. Lots of parents will only buy a trusted and tried product from a well-known manufacturer to try to ensure the toy is safe and of an appropriate age for their child.  These companies rely on Marketing Strategy Consultants like http://www.reallyhelpfulmarketing.co.uk/specialist-services/marketing-strategy-consultant/  to promote their brands and get their products noticed. Clever marketing and branding of a product can see it fly off the shelves from the toy shops and supermarkets. Children see the advert and want what they see.  Parents want their children to have the latest gizmo or gadget so that’s what they buy

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Lots of toys that you buy as a parent have additional accessories that can be purchased alongside the main item.  Barbie dolls,  for example, have lots of extras that can be purchased separately, from a car, a horse, a cute pet dog or fluffy cat, a house, and many items of clothing.  This is very clever marketing as your child is bound to want the latest must have accessory for their favourite doll. Mattel, who market The Barbie range, have said, “it’s all about having a more is more” attitude. Every doll has a unique look, and the stand-out hair draws any young girl into its grasp. Any online or computerised game will keep a child glued to their IPad or Kindle for many hours if you let them. There are hundreds of fun, learning activities that your child can join in with on their computer, even though this is great news for any stressed parent, it’s probably best to limit the length of time your child spends looking at a computer screen,


