Engineered Wood Flooring – An Introduction

Engineered Wood Flooring – An Introduction

Engineered wood floors have been gaining in popularity in recent years as an environmentally friendly alternative to other types of flooring such as hardwood, laminates, and engineered wood veneer. Engineered wood, also known as engineered wood, man Made wood, mass timber, or engineered board, contains a range of composite wood products that are made by binding or bonding the individual strands of wood together.

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Although it is possible to remove the tree sap, oil, and dust in order to extend the life of the floor, it is not possible to avoid all contact with these materials. The use of a floating floor will help to eliminate the risks of surface damage and increase the durability of the engineered floor.

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Most Engineered Wood Flooring manufacturers recommend the installation of an underlayment that contains between four and twelve millimetres of expanded polystyrene, which is a water-absorbing resin. If you need more support with this you can speak to a specialist such as Irwin Tiles.

In addition to the water absorption ability, this resin will also slow or stop the rapid loss of moisture from the subfloor. In order to provide the most effective protection, the moisture absorption rate should be one percent below the natural moisture level of the subfloor, which can be attained by using a vapor barrier. The manufacturer’s instructions for the proper installation of this underlayment will specify the number of percent of moisture absorption that is required.