Choosing The Best University And Accommodation On Offer in Exeter.

For many young school leavers who want to further their education, the dilemma of which College or University to choose and whether to stay close to home or move away from family and friends is a difficult one.  Looking into various Courses and the range of accommodation offered will definitely influence their final decision.  The thriving City of Exeter has a prestigious University and an Outstanding College as well as a great selection of Exeter University Accommodation to choose from, that includes two studio apartments ideal for individual bookings and thirty-five rooms spread across six cluster flats and apartments, that are ideal for group or individual bookings.

All rents in these Exeter University Housing rooms come inclusive of hi-speed Wi-Fi with full streaming facilities, a TV licence and all utilities and can be secured with no guarantor required on either a forty-eight-week or a twenty-three-week contract.  Bright, warm and affordable, all their accommodation is of the highest-quality, modern, well-equipped and have their own ensuite rooms.  With a friendly management team on hand to help the Students that choose this range of flats and apartments, they are ensuring Studies are completed in warm, safe and affordable surroundings.

Exeter University is amongst an elite group of Higher Education Institutions that have secured the prestigious “Gold Overall” standard in the TEF assessment. The University has been recognised for consistently providing Outstanding Teaching and Learning, as well as ensuring the very best student outcomes.