There are lots of things that people have used in the past that at the time were considered to be perfectly safe, but have later been proven to have detrimental and often deadly health consequences, or a negative effect on the environment.
A good example of this is asbestos – a few decades ago, asbestos was everywhere. After the second world war it was a useful material that was used to get new homes put up quickly to support those who were in need of housing, and it has been used in building work for all sorts of things due to its strength and ability to insulate.
Unfortunately, it also caused lots of health issues and led to a lung condition known as asbestosis and was banned from use entirely in the year 2000. Because it had such widespread use in the past, getting rid of it was never going to be easy, and as well as being found in polder properties, there are also areas of land that are contaminated with asbestos, which makes them dangerous to build on.
Despite this, land is required in the UK to build new homes on, and using this land would be ideal if we could make it safe as it then means that the countryside is not being covered in buildings. Fortunately, companies like this land remediation company are able to safely dispose of asbestos and get rid of any soil contamination, making the land safe for use once again.